Saturday, December 31, 2016

YouTube Star Reveals She Has Two Vaginas

Blogger | 4:25 AM | Be the first to comment!

We upload a new incredible video every weekday. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don't miss out:

YOUTUBE star Cassandra Bankson was amazed to discover that she has TWO vaginas during a routine kidney scan. Cassandra has been afflicted by severe acne since she was a teenager and even had to leave school because the bullying got so bad. But the 22-year-old – who also works as an international fashion model - shocked her fans last year when she announced the discovery of her second vagina on her channel DiamondsAndHeels14.

Videographer / Director: Ruaridh Connellan
Producer: Dan Howlett, Nick Johnson
Editor: Joshua Douglas, Sonia Estal

For more compelling footage of the amazing side of life:

UK undergrad and postgrad

Blogger | 4:14 AM | Be the first to comment!
md in uk
Before you start your studies, ponder the expenses and how you will fund your studies.
UK undergrad and postgraduate courses are by and large shorter than in different nations. This keeps educational cost charges and everyday costs down. Most full-time college classes take three years to finish. Full-time postgraduate courses can take one year or more.
Educational cost expenses for UK advanced education courses shift, contingent upon elements including: whether you are from the European Union/European Economic Area; where in the UK you are concentrating on (there are distinctive standards for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales); and whether you are learning at undergrad or postgraduate level.
For college understudies from the EU/EEA, these are the greatest educational cost expenses (however numerous foundations charge less):
In England and Wales, up to £9,000 every year

Full-time postgraduate courses can take one year or more.

Blogger | 4:05 AM | Be the first to comment!

md in uk
Before you start your studies, ponder the expenses and how you will fund your studies.
UK undergrad and postgraduate courses are by and large shorter than in different nations. This keeps educational cost charges and everyday costs down. Most full-time college classes take three years to finish. Full-time postgraduate courses can take one year or more.
Educational cost expenses for UK advanced education courses shift, contingent upon elements including: whether you are from the European Union/European Economic Area; where in the UK you are concentrating on (there are distinctive standards for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales); and whether you are learning at undergrad or postgraduate level.
For college understudies from the EU/EEA, these are the greatest educational cost expenses (however numerous foundations charge less):
In England and Wales, up to £9,000 every year


md in uk

Blogger | 3:59 AM | Be the first to comment!
md in uk
Before you start your studies, ponder the expenses and how you will fund your studies.
UK undergrad and postgraduate courses are by and large shorter than in different nations. This keeps educational cost charges and everyday costs down. Most full-time college classes take three years to finish. Full-time postgraduate courses can take one year or more.
Educational cost expenses for UK advanced education courses shift, contingent upon elements including: whether you are from the European Union/European Economic Area; where in the UK you are concentrating on (there are distinctive standards for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales); and whether you are learning at undergrad or postgraduate level.
For college understudies from the EU/EEA, these are the greatest educational cost expenses (however numerous foundations charge less):
In England and Wales, up to £9,000 every year
In Northern Ireland, up to £3,575 every year
In Scotland, educational cost is free.
In case you're from another nation outside the EU/EEA, educational cost expenses differ by course supplier.
For every single postgraduate understudy, educational cost charges change by course supplier.
You can get some answers concerning educational cost expenses for college classes here and educational cost charges for postgraduate courses here. If you don't mind additionally visit the UKCISA site for more data.
At the point when contrasting educational cost expenses, take a gander at what is incorporated – and what is excluded – in every charge. For instance, a few foundations may charge you additional for books, study materials, examinations, and so forth. You ought to have the capacity to figure out what the course charges spread on every course supplier's site, however in the event that not, don't delay to ask


wishw kosabai bhanda thulo pull

Blogger | 1:40 AM | Be the first to comment!

md in uk
Before you start your studies, ponder the expenses and how you will fund your studies.
UK undergrad and postgraduate courses are by and large shorter than in different nations. This keeps educational cost charges and everyday costs down. Most full-time college classes take three years to finish. Full-time postgraduate courses can take one year or more.
Educational cost expenses for UK advanced education courses shift, contingent upon elements including: whether you are from the European Union/European Economic Area; where in the UK you are concentrating on (there are distinctive standards for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales); and whether you are learning at undergrad or postgraduate level.
For college understudies from the EU/EEA, these are the greatest educational cost expenses (however numerous foundations charge less):
In England and Wales, up to £9,000 every year


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Executive Pushpa Kamal Dahal "Prachanda" has said that connivances were being

Blogger | 9:55 PM | Be the first to comment!
Executive Pushpa Kamal Dahal "Prachanda" has said that connivances were being incubated to topple the accomplishments of the People's Movement and the People's War. The Prime Minister expressed this while tending to a book-propelling project here today. On the event, the PM propelled the book " Chacha Bhakti Prasad Pandey Sangharsha Yatra', a memoir on the CPN (Maoist Center) pioneer the late Bhakti Prasad Pandey. PM Dahal said – "Intrigues have begun in shut ways to oust the motivation of progress assuming the drive of progress has turned out to be powerless." Stating plots were in the air not to permit the usage of the constitution issued from the Constituent Assembly and to upset secularism, incorporation and corresponding representation, he said including that a few people were attempting to restore the 1990 constitution saying they couldn't have cared less whether the present constitution is tossed out. The powers that conveyed the progressions ought to be joined to annihilation such inclination, he affirmed. The change is specifically identified with the Maoist development, the PM, who is additionally the CPN (Maoist Center) administrator, said on the event, including that a few people were in the round of making the present constitution a disappointment. The Prime Minister additionally called for unification among the strengths of progress even to annihilation this inclination which he said will take the nation towards a mishap. "The nation can't return to the 1990 time. Regardless of the possibility that a few people have longed for keeping the execution of the present constitution, that would not be conceivable as the administration and the powers of progress would push forward as one to annihilation this endeavor," he said. Expressing that despite everything he thought the progression taken by Dr Baburam Bhattarai to leave the Maoist development and take another route at the season of execution of the constitution was not fitting, he underscored on the need of the considerable number of strengths of progress to go to a similar place to 'protect the plan of progress'. The PM expressed that the constitution made by the Constituent Assembly was the principle accomplishment of the People's War and the general population's development and the essential obligation at present is to take the nation ahead towards another course by method for smooth constitution usage and holding the race of the nearby bodies, territories and the focal parliament. PM Dahal included that late Pandey was an excellent figure for up and coming eras also saying that he never ached for power and position.


श्रीमतीको अवैध सम्बन्धबारे यसरी पत्ता लगाउनुहोस् भिडियो सहित

Blogger | 9:53 PM | Be the first to comment!

शिर्षक सँग समन्धित समाचार अझ प्रष्ट सँग सिधै भिडियोमा हेर्न चाहनु हुन्छ भने तलको फोटोमा क्लिक गर्नुहोला !

भनिन्छ श्रीमान् र श्रीमती एक अर्काका परीपुरक हुन् । सँगै बाँच्ने र सँगै मर्ने वाचा कसम बाँधेका उनीहरुले एकले अकौर्ला धोका दिने त के नराम्रो कुरा सुन्दा समेत दुखे हुने गर्दछन् ।

तर अहिले पहिले पहिले जस्तो समय एकै नाशको छैन । हिजोआज महिलाहरुले श्रीमान् बाहेक पनि अन्य पुरुषसँग लसपस गरेका र पुरुषले पनी श्रीमती बाहेकका अन्य स्त्रीसँग सम्बन्ध गाँसेका कुराहरु एक पछि अर्को आइरहेका छन् ।

यदी तपाईले आफ्नी श्रीमतीले धोका दिइरहेको कुरा थाहा पाउन इच्छुक हुनुहुन्छ ? यदि त्यस्तो हो भने यि कारणहरु तपाईका लागी उपयोगी हुन सक्छन् ।

श्रीमतीको केटी साथीहरुसँगको घुलमिल
श्रीमती उनको केटी साथीहसँग पहिलाको भन्दा बढि समय बिताउँछिन् । केहि अघि कसैसँग समय बिताउनु नपर्ने श्रीमती एकाएक बेलुकाको धेरैजसो समय बाहिर नै बिताउने गर्दछिन् र जब तपाईंले कहाँ थियौ भन्ने प्रश्न गर्दा उनको उत्तर इमानदार नहुन सक्छ । यदि यस्तो अवस्था छ भने तपाईंकी श्रीमती केटी साथीहरुसँग नभई अरु कुनै मानिससँग समय बिताइरहेको हुनसक्छ ।

श्रीमतीको आँखा जुधाई
के उनले कहाँ गएकी थियौ र के गरिरहेकी थियौ भन्ने प्रश्नको उत्तर दिँदा आँखा जुधाएर उत्तर दिन बन्द गरेकी छिन् । पहिला आँखा जुधाएर कुरा गर्ने तपाईंकी श्रीमतीले एकाएक यसो गर्न बन्द गरेकी छिन् भने होसियार हुनुहोस् ।

अन्तिममा यौन विचलन– के उनको सेक्स प्रतिको रुची पहिलाको भन्दा कम छ रु के उनी तपाईंसँगको सेक्समा साथ मात्र दिइरहेकी छिन् रु के उनले तपाईंले कहिले नगर्नुभएको तरिकाहरु अपनाउन अनुरोध गर्छिन् अथवा के उनले तपाईंलाई सेक्सका नयाँ तरिकाहरुको बारेमा सिकाउने गर्दछिन् रु अझै तपाई झन विदेशमा हुनुहुन्छ भने त यस्तो कुरा मा धेरै ख्याल गर्नु पर्छ आज्भ्ली धेरैको श्रीमती अरु सग पोइल गयको देखिन्छ तेसैले यहाँ दियको कुरा हरु पुरुष हरुले ख्याल गर्ने हो भने बेलैमा यस्तो कुरा थाहा पाउन सकिन्छ अनि यस्तो घटना न हुन् सक्छ १ एजेन्सीको सहयोगमा

श्रीमतीको फोन कल
फोन कलमा आइरहेको परिवर्तन जस्तै बारम्बर आइरहने फोन, स्वरको परिवर्तन, मेसेजगर्ने प्रवृत्तिहरुले तपाईंकी श्रीमतीले धोका दिइरहेको छ कि छैन भन्ने कुरा थाहा हुन्छ । जब उनले फोन उठाउँदा के फोनको आवाज कम गर्छिन् अथवा अकस्मात् बोल्ने शैलीमा परिवर्तन गर्छिन् रु

उनले नुहाउने र जीम
के उनी घर फर्कदा भर्खरै नुहाएर आएको जस्तो देखिन्छिन् जब कि उनी बिगतमा दिउँसो नुहाउने गर्दिनथिन् । के उनी पहिलाको भन्दा जीममा बढि धाउने गर्दछिन् रु

श्रीमतीको बास्ना
शिर्षक सँग समन्धित समाचार अझ प्रष्ट सँग सिधै भिडियोमा हेर्न चाहनु हुन्छ भने तलको फोटोमा क्लिक गर्नुहोला ! र भिडियो नहेरी छापाको पुरै समाचार पढ्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने अलि तल सार्नु होला !

के उनी पहिले यस्तो बास्नादार हुने गर्दथिन् । के उनीबाट महिलाको भन्दा पुरुषको बास्ना बढि आइरहेको छ रु उनको यो नयाँ बास्ना महिलाको भन्दा पुरुषको बढि हो कि, अथवा त्यस्तै खालको बास्ना आफ्नो कुनै साथीको हो कि त्यो याद राख्नुहोस् ।

श्रीमानलाई जेल हालेर ५ बर्षको छोरा बोकी किन भारत पलाएन भईन सिता

Blogger | 9:50 PM | Be the first to comment!
नवलपरासी, पुस-१३, सँगै बाच्ने सँगै मर्ने बाचा गर्दै जीवनसाथीका रुपमा रोजेको श्रीमान्ले आफ्नो सुरक्षा गर्छ, हरेक सुख दःखमा साथ दिन्छ, विश्वास गर्छ अनि आफनो भावनालाई बुझिदिन्छ भन्ने विश्वास हरेक नारीले लिएका हुन्छन् । तर नवलपरासीको तिलकपुर गाविसकी सीता गौतमलाई भने श्रीमान् कुन दिन आउने हो र ज्यानै पो लिने हो की ? भन्ने पिरले सधै पिरोलीरहन्छ ।६ वर्षअघि प्रेम विवाह गरेर तिलकपुरमा आउँदा आफ्नो सबै संसार श्रीमान् र घर परिवार हो । माईतीको ईच्छा विपरीत विवाह गरेर माईत जाने बाटो समेत बन्द गरेर आएको छु, अब यही घरमा रमाउनुपर्छ भन्ने उनले सोचेकी थिईन् तर, त्यो एकाएक परिवर्तन भयो ।विवाहको केहि समय पश्चात नै श्रीमानले यातना दिन शुरु गरे । उनलाई विवाह पश्चात मात्रै थाहा भयो कि श्रीमान लागुऔषध सेवन गर्छन् भन्ने । “विहान उठेबाट नसुत्दासम्म लागु औषध सेवनमा तल्लीन हुनुहन्थ्यो कुनै काम पनि गर्नुहुन्नथ्यो र घरमा आएपछि नानाथरी बाहानामा कुट्ने पिट्ने, नानाथरीका लान्छना लगाउने गर्नुहुन्थ्यो ।’ सीताले भनिन् । श्रीमानको यस्तो अवस्था देखेपछि उनी सधै चिन्तित छिन् । “यहाँसम्मकी छोरा पेटमा हुँदा पनि कत्ती दया पनि जागेन उनलाई सधै कुटाई खानुपरथ्यो, बच्चा गर्भ मै मर्छ की भन्ने पिर लाग्थ्यो”–उनले सुनाईन् । उनी थप्दै भनिन् “एक दिन बहिनी आएकी थिई यस्तो अवस्थामा किन कुटपिट गनुृहुन्छ भनेर भिनाजुलाई भन्दा बहिनीलाई पनि कुट्नु भो ।”घरमा सासु ससुरा पनि छोराको कारण भारत गएर बस्न थालेपछि आफूलाई कुट्न श्रीमान्लाई झनै सजिलो भएको बताउँछिन् । “मागी विवाह भएको भए पनि माईतीमा गएर बस्थे, माईतीको गुहार माग्थे तर आफैले रोजेर विवाह गरेको थिए, कसलाई भन्नु सासु ससुराको कुरा पनि श्रीमान्ले सुन्नुहुन्नथ्यो उल्टै पिट्न तम्सिनुहुन्थ्यो त्यसैले हैरान भएर सासु ससुरा पनि भारत गएर बस्नु थाल्नुभयो ।” सीताले भनिन् । ४ वर्षसम्म उनले श्रीमानले दिएको हरेक यातना सहेर बसिन तर, अस्हय भएपछि उनले प्रतिकार गर्न थालिन । गाउँमा आमा समूह तथा महिला अधिकारको क्षेत्रमा काम गर्ने दिदी बहिनीलाई गुहार्न थालिन् । लैङ्गिक हिंसाविरुद्ध काम गर्दै आईरहेको संस्था संकल्पका अभियानकर्ता कलावती पन्तलाई गौतमले सबै कुरा सुनाएपछि पन्तले सबै समाज जुटाएर उनका श्रीमानलाई सम्झाई बुझाई गरे तर, जतिसम्झाए पनि लागेन । ‘२-३ पटकसम्म गाउँका सबै भद्र भलादमी बसेर सम्झायौ तर, उसको बानीमा कुनै परिवर्तन आएन झनै उग्र हुदै गए ।’ पन्तले भनिन् । जति सम्झाए पनि केहि शिप नलागेपछि उसलाई जेल हाल्न बाध्य भएको कलावतीले बताईन । सीताले नै प्रहरीमा उजुरी दिएपछि प्रहरीले उनलाई थुनामा राखेको छ । ‘श्रीमानलाई नै प्रहरी बोलाएर जेल हाल्न मन कसलाई हुन्छ र तर, रातदिन कतिबेला मरिन्छ भन्ने त्रासमा बाचिरहन पनि सकिन ।’ सीताले भनिन् । अहिले ५ वर्षको छोरालाई लिएर उनी तिलकपुरको घरमा बस्दै आएकी थिईन । सासु ससुराको पनि साथ भएन आम्दानीको श्रोत पनि नहुँदा धेरै समस्याबाट जुध्दै आएकी उनि अहिले भारत पलाएन भएकी हुन् या भारतमै रहेका सासु ससुरा सामु पुगिन हिजो आज एता पनि उनि देखिन्नन्  ।

कक्षा ११ मा फेल भएपछि झापाकीRebica Chhetriले गरिन आत्माहत्या।हेर्नुस्Videoसहित ((please type RIP))

Blogger | 9:47 PM | Be the first to comment!
md in uk
Before you start your studies, ponder the expenses and how you will fund your studies.
UK undergrad and postgraduate courses are by and large shorter than in different nations. This keeps educational cost charges and everyday costs down. Most full-time college classes take three years to finish. Full-time postgraduate courses can take one year or more.
Educational cost expenses for UK advanced education courses shift, contingent upon elements including: whether you are from the European Union/European Economic Area; where in the UK you are concentrating on (there are distinctive standards for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales); and whether you are learning at undergrad or postgraduate level.
For college understudies from the EU/EEA, these are the greatest educational cost expenses (however numerous foundations charge less):
In England and Wales, up to £9,000 every year

नेपाली सेनामाथि अझै भारतको गिद्दे नजर: चिनियाँ सैनिक संग सयुक्त अभ्यास नगराउन भारतद्वारा प्रधानमन्त्री प्रचन्डलाई कडा चेतावनी, राजदुत उपाध्यायले समेत नाघे आफ्नो सिमा

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लाइट नेपाल मिति : Wednesday, December 28th, 2016


काठमाडौ, १३  पुस – राष्ट्रसंघीय शान्ति मिसनमा आफ्नो कमाण्ड अन्तगर्त नेपाली सेना रहनुपर्ने प्रस्ताव गरेको भारतले नेपाली सेनामाथि आफ्नो नियन्त्रण कायम गर्ने अर्को प्रयास गरेको खुलेको छ । नेपाल र चीनबीच कुनै पनि संयुक्त सैनिक अभ्यास हुनु नहुने भन्दै त्यसलाई रोक्न भारत सरकारले राजदूत दीपकुमार उपाध्यायमार्फत प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहाललाई दबाब दिएको हो ।
नेपाल र चीनबीचको संयुक्त सैनिक अभ्यास गर्ने तयारी भइरहेको रिपोर्ट सार्वजनिक भए लगत्तै चिन्तित बनेको भारतले त्यसप्रति कडा आक्रोश व्यक्त गरेको हो । उसले चीनसँग त्यस्ता कुनै संयुक्त अभ्यास नगर्न समेत प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहाललाई चेतावनी दिएको छ । भारत र नेपालबीच यस्ता संयुक्त सैनिक अभ्यास नियमित भइरहेका बेला उत्तर छिमेकीसँग समेत फरक अनुभव हासिल गर्ने उद्धेश्यले गरिएको यस्तो निर्णयमाथि भारतले धावा बोलेको हो ।

‘आफूले बनाएका’ प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहालले प्रधानमन्त्री बन्दाताका भएका गोप्य समझादारी र सम्झौता विपरित कार्य गर्न थालेको साउथब्लकको निश्कर्ष छ । केपी शर्मा ओली नेतृत्वको सरकार हटाएर दाहाललाई प्रधानमन्त्री बनाउँदा भारतीय सुरक्षा स्वार्थभन्दा बाहिर नजाने र भारतीय एजेण्डालाई अघि बढाउने प्रतिबद्धता दाहालले गरेका थिए । त्यसबेला भारतीय अखवारले नै ओलीको बहिर्गमन र दाहालको आगमन दिल्लीका लागि सुखद सन्देश रहेको र दाहालको कार्यकालमा नेपाल भारत सम्बन्ध अत्यन्त नजिक हुने लेखेका थिए । भारतीय अधिकारीले समेत ओलीलाई हटाएर दाहाललाई प्रधानमन्त्री बनाउन सकेकोमा खुसी ब्यक्त गर्दै सार्बजनिक धारणा नै राखेका थिए ।

भारतीय दैनिक टाइम्स अफ इण्डियामा १२ पुसमा प्रकाशित ‘नेपाल–चाइना मिलिटरी ड्रिल्स वरिज् इण्डिया’ शीर्षकको समाचारमा दाहाललाई द्विपक्षीय सम्बन्धलाई नयाँ उचाईमा पुर्याउने पूर्ब प्रतिवद्धता स्मरणसमेत गराइएको छ । प्रधानमन्त्री दाहालले नेपाल र भारतबीच ‘सन्तुलित व्यवहार’ प्रदर्शन गरिरहेको तर काठमाडौंको बेइजिङसँगको संयुक्त सैनिक अभ्यासको प्रस्तावले नयाँदिल्लीलाई अप्ठ्यारोमा पारिदिएको अखवारमा उल्लेख छ । एमाले अध्यक्ष ओली प्रधानमन्त्री भएका बेला ‘बिग्रेको’ नेपाल–भारत सम्बन्धलाई सुधार्न दाहाललाई प्रधानमन्त्री बनाइएको र त्यसको प्रयास भइरहेका बेला नेपालको यो निर्णयले भारतलाई असहज बनाएको भारतीय अधिकारीले बताएका छन् । अखवार भन्छ–‘प्रचण्ड सरकारको पालामा नेपाल–भारत सम्बन्धमा नयाँ अध्यायको थालनी गर्ने भारतीय चाहना भइरहेका बेला नेपालको यो निर्णयले भारतलाई असजिलो बनाएको छ ।’

नेपालको यो प्रस्तावित निर्णयबारे भारतीय अधिकारीले नयाँदिल्लीमा नेपाली राजदूत दीपकुमार उपाध्यायसँग जानकारी मागेको समेत श्रोत बताउँछ । राजदूत उपाध्यायले भने चीनसँगको सैैन्य अभ्यास अत्यन्त सानो स्केलको भएको र त्यसमा भारत चिन्तित नहुन साउथब्लकका अधिकारीहरुलाई आग्रह गरेको बुझिएको छ । राजदूत उपाध्यायले यस्ता संयुक्त सैन्य अभ्यास नेपालले अन्य देशहरुसँग पनि गरिरहेको भन्दै त्यस्ता कुनै पनि अभ्यासले नेपाल–भारत सम्बन्धलवाई नकारात्मक प्रभाब नपार्ने बयान दिएका छन् ।

राजदूत उपाध्यायले भारतसँग नेपालको ‘बिशेष सम्बन्ध’ रहेको भन्दै गैरकुटनीतिक भारतीय भाषा समेत प्रयोग गरेका छन् । उनले बिभिन्न भारतीय अखवारमा अन्तवार्ता दिदंै नेपालको चीनसँगको सम्बन्ध मित्रवत तर भारतसँगको सम्बन्ध ‘बिशेष’ रहेको बताएर भारतीय स्वार्थका प्रतिनिधिको भूमिका समेत निर्वाह गरिरहेका छन् ।

सन १९५० मा नेपाल र भारतबीच शान्ति तथा मैत्री सन्धीमा हस्ताक्षर भएपछि त्यसलाई देखाएर तत्कालीन भारतीय प्रधानमन्त्री जवाहरलाल नेहरुले नेपाल–भारत सम्बन्धलाई ‘बिशेष सम्बन्ध’ बताएका थिए । त्यसयता भारतका हरेक सरकारले नेपालसँग भारतको बिशेष सम्बन्ध रहेको भन्दै नेपाली स्वतन्त्रता र सार्बभौमिकतामाथि नियन्त्रणको प्रयास गर्दै आएका छन् ।

पछिल्लो पटक नेपाल र भारतबीचको सम्बन्धलाई ‘मित्रवत’, र ‘असल छिमेकी’ को सम्बन्धका रुपमा बुझ्नुपर्ने वहस भइरहेका बेला नेपाल सरकारका प्रतिनिधिका रुपमा रहेका राजदूतले नै नयाँदिल्लीमा बसेर बेईजिङबिरोधी कार्य गरिरहेका छन् । चक्रपथ बाट

The Green Inferno | Jonah's Death Scene

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md in uk
Before you start your studies, ponder the expenses and how you will fund your studies.
UK undergrad and postgraduate courses are by and large shorter than in different nations. This keeps educational cost charges and everyday costs down. Most full-time college classes take three years to finish. Full-time postgraduate courses can take one year or more.
Educational cost expenses for UK advanced education courses shift, contingent upon elements including: whether you are from the European Union/European Economic Area; where in the UK you are concentrating on (there are distinctive standards for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales); and whether you are learning at undergrad or postgraduate level.
For college understudies from the EU/EEA, these are the greatest educational cost expenses (however numerous foundations charge less):
In England and Wales, up to £9,000 every year

नेपालीको लागि खुसीको खबर : चिनले भन्यो- एक घण्टामै काठमाडौं-रसुवागढी पुगिने रेल बनाइदिन्छौं

Blogger | 9:40 PM | Be the first to comment!
लाइट नेपाल मिति : Wednesday, December 28th, 2016

काठमाडौं, १३ पुस । चिनिया सरकारको पूर्ण स्वामित्वमा रहेको चाइना रेल वे इन्टरनेशनल ग्रुपले एक घण्टा भन्दा कम समयमै काठमाडौंबाट रसुवागढी पुग्न सकिने रेल मार्ग निर्माण गरिदिने प्रस्ताव अघि सारेको छ । कम्पनीले रेल विभागमा बुझाएको प्रस्तावमा काठमाडौं–रसुवागढी विद्युतिय रेल वेको लम्बाई जम्मा १०५ किलोमिटरको मात्रै हुनेछ । प्रतिघण्टा १२० किलोमिटरको स्पिडमा दौडने रेलले काठमाडौं–रसुवागढी यात्रालाई एक घण्टा भन्दा कम समयमा सिमित गर्न सकिने प्रस्तावमा उल्लेख छ ।
यो रेल वे रसुवागढीबाट काठमाडौं आइपुग्दा ९० दशमलब २ किलोमिटर सुरुङ भित्र रहनेछ भने ६ दशमलब ५४ किलोमिटर पुलमाथी गुड्नेछ । बाँकी ८ दशमलब २६ किलोमिटर दुरी मात्रै जमिनमा रहनेछ । यसरी निर्माण हुने रेलको बिभिन्न स्थानमा ६ वटा स्टेशन रहेछन् । जसमा पहिलो स्टेशन रसुवागढीमा रहेछ भने दोश्रो स्टेशन स्याफ्रुबेसीमा र तेश्रो स्टेशन ग्राङमा निर्माण हुने उल्लेख छ । चौथो स्टेशन नुवाकोटको विदुरमा र पाँचौं स्टेशन ककनीमा निर्माण गरेर छैठौं स्टेशनका रुपमा काठमाडौं प्रवेश गर्नेछ ।

यो रेलले बार्षिक १ करोड ५० लाख टन समान बोक्न सक्छ । रेलले दैनिक चार पटक रसुवागढी–काठमाडौं यात्रा गर्न सक्नेछ । चाइना रेल वे इन्टरनेशनल ग्रुपले चिनियाँ सरकारको दिर्घकालिन सहुलियत ऋणमा यस्तो रेल मार्ग निर्माण गर्न सकिने जनाएको छ । कम्पनीले १८ अर्ब चिनियाँ मुद्रा खर्च गरेर त्यस्तो रेल बनाउन सकिने प्रस्ताव अघि बढाएको हो ।

चिनियाँ कम्पनीले चीन सरकारको दिर्घकालिन सहुलियत ऋणमा रेल बनाउन सकिने प्रस्ताव गरेको छ, उसले तत्कालै दुई सरकारबिच सम्झौता गरेर अध्ययन थाल्न सकिने पनि बताएको छ’, रेल विभागका सिनियर डिभिजनल इञ्जिनियर प्रकाश उपाध्यायले विकासन्युजसँग भने । उपाध्यायका अनुसार प्रत्येक एक सय मिटर रेल मार्गमा तीन मिटर उचाइ बढाउन सकिने प्रबिधीको विकास भैसकेकाले पनि काठमाडौं–रसुवागढी रेल मार्गको निर्माण सम्भव देखिन्छ ।

चाइना रेल वे इन्टरनेशनल ग्रुपले अधि सारेको सो रेल मार्ग निर्माण सम्बन्धी प्रस्ताव विभागमा पुस ११ गते २३६ नम्बरमा दर्ता गरिएको छ । कम्पनीले केहि समय अघि विभागमा पेश गरेको प्रस्तावलाई थप परिमार्जन गरे पुनः पेश गरेको हो । कम्पनीले चीन सरकारको सहुलियत ऋण र नेपालका सरकारले थोरै लगानी गरेर त्यस्तो रेल बनाउन सकिने उल्लेख गरेको छ । श्रोतका अनुसार कम्पनीले ३० प्रतिशत नेपाल सरकारले लगानी गर्ने र ७० प्रतिशत चीन सरकारले सहुलियत ऋण उपलब्ध गराउने मौखिक प्रस्ताव कम्पनीको छ । उसले आफैं रेल बनाउने र नेपाल सरकारले त्यसको नियमन गर्न सक्ने जनाएको छ । बिकाश न्युज बाट

बर्दिवासकाे मुसहर बस्तिमा पूगे धुर्मुस सुन्तली : मरेकाे गाउलार्इ बचाउन देउता अाए भन्दै यसरी गरीयाे स्वागत

Blogger | 9:30 PM | Be the first to comment!
md in uk
Before you start your studies, ponder the expenses and how you will fund your studies.
UK undergrad and postgraduate courses are by and large shorter than in different nations. This keeps educational cost charges and everyday costs down. Most full-time college classes take three years to finish. Full-time postgraduate courses can take one year or more.
Educational cost expenses for UK advanced education courses shift, contingent upon elements including: whether you are from the European Union/European Economic Area; where in the UK you are concentrating on (there are distinctive standards for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales); and whether you are learning at undergrad or postgraduate level.
For college understudies from the EU/EEA, these are the greatest educational cost expenses (however numerous foundations charge less):
In England and Wales, up to £9,000 every year


Namrata Shrestha $ex, HIV Aids Awareness Video

Blogger | 9:27 PM | Be the first to comment!

Seksi nepali big name namrata Shrestha seks outrage spilled. This was posted before however today again to revive the seksy memory of this hot on-screen character we posted this nepali seks video for you folks. What number of you have stroked off watching this one? Remark underneath for Namrata Shrestha Seks Scandal.

ज्ञानेन्द्र र कृष्ण सिटौलाको त्यो ५५ मिनेटको भेट, जसले राजा नारायणहिटी छाड्न तयार भए - See more

Blogger | 9:21 PM | Be the first to comment!
१३ पुस । नेपालबाट राजतन्त्र हटेको करिब एक दशक हुन लागेको छ । त्यतिबेला प्रधानमन्त्री गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइराला थिए भने गृहमन्त्री कृष्णप्रसाद सिटौला । राजा ज्ञानेन्द्र शाहलाई सहजै राजगद्दी छाड्न लगाउने वातावरण बनाउने गिरिजा सरकारले गरेको थियो । गिरिजाका दूत थिए कृष्ण सिटौला । उनले नै ज्ञानेन्द्रसँग गिरिजाको सन्देश सुनाएपछि ज्ञानेन्द्र राजगद्दी छाड्न तयार भएका थिए ।

 प्रस्तुत छ कृष्ण सिटौलासँग जनआस्थाले गरेको कुराकानीः १५ जेठ २०६५ मा संविधानसभाले राजतन्त्रको विधिवत् अन्त्यको घोषणा गरेपछि तत्कालीन सरकारले राजाको बासस्थानको रुपमा नागर्जुनको जंगल र त्यहाँ रहेको गृष्मकालीन दरबार दिने भयो । उनी त्यहाँ सर्नुअघि तत्कालीन प्रधानमन्त्री गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइरालाले गृहमन्त्री कृष्णप्रसाद सिटौलालाई भेट्न पठाए । नारायणहिटी पुगेर सिटौलाले भने, ‘दुनियाँमा राजतन्त्र ढल्दा दु:खद घटना भएका छन्। इरानको राजतन्त्र २५ सय वर्षभन्दा लामो हो। हाम्रो त अढाई सय वर्ष न हो।

 राजतन्त्र ढलेपछि विदेश पलायन भएका त्यहाँका अन्तिम राजा मुहमम्द रेजा शाह पहेलवीको लास स्वदेश लैजान दिइएन। जबकि मुस्लिम संस्कार अनुसार आफ्नै भूमिमा शवदाह हुनुपर्छ।’ सिटौलाले फेरि थपे, ‘तर नेपालमा त्यस्तो होइन। शान्तिपूर्ण जनआन्दोलनको बलमा प्रतिनिधिसभा पुनर्स्थापित भयो। 

त्यसले गठन गरेको सरकारले संविधानसभा निर्वाचन गरायो। संविधानसभाको पहिलो बैठकले राजतन्त्र समाप्त भएको निर्णय गर्‍यो। यहाँ त्यही निर्णय अनुसार नै नारायणहिटी दरबारभन्दा बाहिर जाँदै हुनुहुन्छ। यसरी जाँदा केही समस्या छन् कि! भए हामी समाधान गर्छौँ। मलाई गिरिजाबाबुले यही प्रयोजनका लागि यहाँ पठाउनुभएको हो।’ गम्भीर मुद्रामा रहेका ज्ञानेन्द्रको मुख खुल्यो, ‘म तपाँईसँग एक्लै कुरा गर्न चाहन्छु।’ 

नारायणहिटीमा त्यति बेला सिटौलासँगै मुख्यसचिव, गृहसचिव, निजामती सेवामा ल्याइएका दरबारका सचिवहरु थिए। उनीहरु बाहिर निकालिए। त्यसपछि ज्ञानेन्द्र र सिटौलाबीच ५५ मिनेट कुराकानी भयो। सिटौलाले गिरिजाको सन्देश सुनाए, ‘तपाईंको पालामा आएर शान्तिपूर्ण तवरले राजतन्त्र अन्त्य भएको छ। त्यसैले हामी तपाईंलाइ सम्मानपूर्वक बिदा गर्छौँ। 

तपाईं देशको अन्तिम राष्ट्राध्यक्ष हो। यही हैसियतमा राज्यको तर्फबाट गर्नुपर्ने, हेर्नुपर्ने कुरा के छ? तपाईंलाई सम्मानपूर्वक राख्ने सोचाइ र तयारी हाम्रो पनि छ। तर आफ्नो केही अलग्गै कुरा छन् कि? म गिरिजाबाबुको दूत भएर आएको हुँ। गिरिजाबाबुको यहाँको पालामा मात्र होइन। उहाँका दाजुहरु, उहाँका बाबुबाजेका पालादेखि राजासँगै मिलेर काम गर्दै आएको इतिहास छ। 

अहिले त्यो राजतन्त्र हट्ने परिस्थिति बन्यो। तर यो अवस्थामा सम्मानजनक रुपमै सरकार तपाईंहरुसँग व्यवहार गर्न चाहन्छ। गिरिजाबाबु चाहनुहुन्छ।’ यसपछि बल्ल ज्ञानेन्द्र आफ्ना कुरा राख्न थाले। एकदमै भावुक मुद्रामा। उनको मुख्य जोड थियो- राजमुकुट र राजदण्ड जस्ता कुरामा। ‘म पनि परिस्थितिवश राजा भएको हुँ। रोयल म्यासाकर पछि मैले मेरो वंश परम्परा धान्नुपर्ने अवस्था आयो। राजा भएँ। आज संविधानसभाले हाम्रो वंश परम्पराको अन्त्य गरेको छ। त्यो निर्णय मान्छु। हाम्रो वंशले उहिल्यैदेखि पहिरिँदै आएको राजमुकुट र राजदण्ड हामीसँग भए हाम्रा सन्तानले त्यसलाई सुरक्षित राख्ने थिए। वंशको चिनो पनि हो,’ ज्ञानेन्द्रको जिकिर थियो, ‘राणाहरुले २००७ सालमा शासन ढलेपछि राजमुकुट लिएर गए। हामीले पनि पाउँछौँ होला नि!’ सिटौलाले भने, ‘त्यो राष्ट्रको संग्रहालयमा सम्पत्तिको रुपमा सुरक्षित रहन्छ। 

राणाहरुले लगे, बेचे कि खाए? थाहा छैन। तर अब हिजोको राजसंस्थाको सबै चिज यहाँहरुको निजी विषय रहँदैनन्। सिंगो देशको इतिहासको विषय रहन्छ। राजमुकुट लगेर यहाँहरुले आफ्नो खोपीमा राख्नु र त्यो राजमुकुट हेर्न चाहने देश-विदेशका मान्छेलाई देखाउनुमा, देखाउनुले जित्छ।’ सिटौलाले यति भनेपछि ज्ञानेन्द्रले कुनै प्रतिवाद गरेनन्। यसपछि उनले सुरक्षाको कुरा सोधे। पूर्व राष्ट्राध्यक्षको हैसियतले जे पाउने हो त्यही दिने कुरा सिटौलाले राखे। तर सेनाको सुरक्षा हटाउने बताए। ज्ञानेन्द्रले सेनाबाहेक अरु सुरक्षा निकायले ‘सर्ट रेन्ज’को तालिम नलिएको हुँदा तालिमप्राप्त सुरक्षाकर्मीको व्यवस्था गरिदिन अनुरोध गरे।

त्यसपछि सिटौलाले सशस्त्र प्रहरीले तालिमप्राप्त सुरक्षाकर्मी तयार नपारुन्जेलका लागि सेनाको सुरक्षा दिने र सशस्त्रले त्यस्तो व्यवस्था गरेपछि सेना स्वत: विस्थापित हुने कुरा सुनाए। त्यसपछि ज्ञानेन्द्रको अर्को आग्रह थियो। मुमा बडामहारानीबारे। भने, ‘हाम्रो मुमा (रत्न) र सरला मुमालाई यहीँ नारायणहिटी राख्ने व्यवस्था मिलाइदिनुपर्‍यो।’ सिटौलाले भने, ‘कुरा ठिकै हो। वृद्धावस्थामा उहाँहरुलाई कति ठाउँ कुदाउने। यहाँहरुको मुमा, हामी सबैको मुमा हो। ठिकै छ। क्याबिनेटबाटै पास गराउनुपर्छ।

मै प्रस्ताव लैजाऊँला।’ अनि ज्ञानेन्द्रले भने, ‘मुमालाई भेट्न आइरहनुपर्छ। कुनै बाधा हुन्छ कि?’ सिटौलाले भने, ‘गिरिजाबाबुले पनि भनिसक्नुभएको छ कि, यहाँलाई सम्मानित नागरिकको दर्जा र त्यस्तै व्यवहार गरिनेछ। सुरक्षा दिइनेछ। आवातजावतमा कुनै बाधा अवरोध हुन दिइनेछैन। भएमा त्यसलाई पन्छाउने र सजिलो बनाउने काम पनि सरकारले नै गर्नेछ। त्यसमाथि छोरालाई आमासँग भेट्न दिने नैसर्गिक अधिकारबाट वञ्चित गर्ने कुरा त झन् सोच्नै सकिँदैन। यहाँहरुलाई नारायणहिटी छिर्नमा कुनै बाधा हुनेछैन।’ 

अन्तिममा ज्ञानेन्द्रले सोधे, ‘अहिले तोकिएको दिनभित्र म कहाँ जाऊँ?’ सिटौलाले भने, ‘निर्मल निवास जानुहोस्। राणाकालीन दरबार समेत राष्ट्रियकरण भइसकेका छन्। नागार्जुनमा बस्नका लागि सबै व्यवस्था सरकारले गर्ने भइसकेको छ। त्यसबाहेक यहाँले रोजेको कुनै ठाउँ, कुनै घर, दरबार भए भन्नुहोला। म कुरा लैजान्छु र यहाँको चाहाना पूरा गर्न हरसम्भव प्रयास गर्छु।’ ज्ञानेन्द्रले भने, ‘ठिक छ। मलाई तपाईंको प्रस्तुति राम्रो लाग्यो।’ ५५ मिनेट लामो कुराकानी पछि सिटौलाले ‘अहिले म जाऊँ त’ भन्दै नमस्कार गरे। ज्ञानेन्द्रले बसेको ठाउँबाट उठेर अर्ध हाँसोमा भने, ‘हुन्छ… हुन्छ।’ जनआस्था साप्ताहिकमा समाचार छ ।

Condom Life Hacks | Thaitrick

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As a technique for anti-conception medication, male condoms have the benefits of being cheap, simple to utilize, having few reactions, and offering insurance against sexually transmitted diseases. With appropriate utilize—and use at each demonstration of intercourse—ladies whose accomplices utilize male condoms encounter a 2% every year pregnancy rate. With run of the mill utilize the rate of pregnancy is 18% for each year.[3] Condoms have been utilized for no less than 400 years. Since the nineteenth century, they have been a standout amongst the most mainstream strategies for contraception on the planet. While broadly acknowledged in advanced circumstances, condoms have created some discussion, principally over what part they ought to play in sex training classes.

रामदेवको हृदयघातका कारण मृत्यु ! थाहा पाउनुस् यो भाइरल खबरको वास्तविकता

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पुस १४ | एजेन्सी

योगगुरु रामदेवको मृत्युको खबर पछिल्ला दिनमा सोसल मिडियादेखि वाट्सएपमा निकै सेयर भयो । खबरका अनुसार रामदेव बैंकको लाइनमा बसेका बेला अचानक हृदयघात हुँदा मृत्यु भएको हो ।

यति मात्र होइन, उनका दुई फोटो पनि निकै भाइरल भए । अन्त्यमा, रामदेव आफूले नै आफ्नो मृत्युको खबर झुट भएको पुष्टि गरे । उनले सोसल मिडियामा लेखे, ‘यो खबर झुटो हो र मलाई कहिले पनि यस्तो रोग लागेको छैन । म योगमार्फत लामो जीवन बाँचिरहेको छु ।’
एम्बुलेन्समा लैंजादै गरिएको छ ।

– यस्तै अर्को फोटोमा उनी स्ट्रेचरमा सुतिरहेका छन् र उनलाई अस्पताल पुर्याइएको छ ।
– एक न्यूज च्यानलसँग कुराकानी गर्दै बाबा रामदेवले आफ्नो मृत्युको खबर भाइरल हुँदा चकित भएको बताए । उनले खबरको खण्डन गर्दै भने, ‘तपाईंहरु आफैं देख्नसक्नुहुन्छ– म यहाँ मज्जाले उभिएको छु । जिउँदो छु , यो मेरो भूत होइन ।’

– रामदेवका अनुसार उनको कुनै बैंक खाता छैन । म जहाँ जान्छु त्यहाँ म खाने बस्ने व्यवस्था मिलाइएको हुन्छ ।
‘मलाई पैसाको कमी छैन, त्यसकारण म किन बैंकको लाइनमा बस्थें र ?’

‘मैले थुप्रै मानिसलाई हृदयघातबाट बचाएँ ’

– उनी भन्छन्, ‘मानिसहरुले सबैभन्दा पहिले म बेहोस भएको र त्यसपछि मेरो हृदयघातका कारण मृत्यु भएको बताए । जबकी वास्तविकता यो हो कि हामीले योगको माध्यमबाट हज्जारौं मानिसलाई हृदयघातबाट बचाएका छौं ।’

– ‘म पूर्ण रुपमा स्वस्थ छु । त्यसकारण यो खबर पूर्ण रुपमा बकवास हो,’ उनले भने ।

numerous foundations charge less):

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md in uk
Before you start your studies, ponder the expenses and how you will fund your studies.
UK undergrad and postgraduate courses are by and large shorter than in different nations. This keeps educational cost charges and everyday costs down. Most full-time college classes take three years to finish. Full-time postgraduate courses can take one year or more.
Educational cost expenses for UK advanced education courses shift, contingent upon elements including: whether you are from the European Union/European Economic Area; where in the UK you are concentrating on (there are distinctive standards for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales); and whether you are learning at undergrad or postgraduate level.
For college understudies from the EU/EEA, these are the greatest educational cost expenses (however numerous foundations charge less):
In England and Wales, up to £9,000 every year



Blogger | 9:07 PM | Be the first to comment!

md in uk
Before you start your studies, ponder the expenses and how you will fund your studies.
UK undergrad and postgraduate courses are by and large shorter than in different nations. This keeps educational cost charges and everyday costs down. Most full-time college classes take three years to finish. Full-time postgraduate courses can take one year or more.
Educational cost expenses for UK advanced education courses shift, contingent upon elements including: whether you are from the European Union/European Economic Area; where in the UK you are concentrating on (there are distinctive standards for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales); and whether you are learning at undergrad or postgraduate level.
For college understudies from the EU/EEA, these are the greatest educational cost expenses (however numerous foundations charge less):
In England and Wales, up to £9,000 every year

Creature additionally love to be cherished from anybody they

Blogger | 8:43 PM | Be the first to comment!
Creature additionally love to be cherished from anybody they couldn't see however they have likewise seek sentiments or love.they make additionally relationship to build their members,they have relationship whenever they need they couldn't care less any matter,here we see a relationship between two mates monkey at jawalakhel zoo.taken by some open you can see here.


Kathamadaum-construct the railway company has offered to build for the Chinese.

Blogger | 8:21 PM | Be the first to comment!
Kathmandu. Kathamadaum-construct the railway company has offered to build for the Chinese.
China Railway International Group on Monday Railways 2 trillion 81 billion 6 9 million 60 million 40 thousand dollars, Senior Engineer of the Department of the investment proposal to build a light rail Upadhyay.
The company's prastabaanusara the next 4 years, the railroad is mentioned banaisakne. China Railway Group of the feasibility study of the railway had.
1 hundred 5 km long tunnel and bridge the railway 9 2 per cent of the proposals. Only one lane of railroad engineer is upadhyayakaanusara. The course of the train speed will be 1 hundred and 20 miles per hour.
"Chinese companies on Monday proposed rail route is registered, the prastabamathi be discussed and decided, 'Upadhyay klikamandusamga said,' Look sarasartirupama cost of the project seems to be a little bit more. '
The government has long 5 km rail route Kathmandu-construct 1 hundred builder had been stating. The budget for the current fiscal year feasibility study for the construction of the railway route, which was allocated a budget of Rs 10 million.
The Chinese company sent the project proposal to build a government-government under the jituji is mentioned. The company has all the necessary funds for the construction of the railway route in China, according to the Government to provide RMB.
According to the train engineer Upadhyay's load capacity will be 1 million to 50 million tonnes. The train arrived in Kathmandu to construct six stations will go through 6.

Monday, December 26, 2016

katar ma nepali ko mityo

Blogger | 7:40 PM | Be the first to comment!
md in uk
Before you start your studies, ponder the expenses and how you will fund your studies.
UK undergrad and postgraduate courses are by and large shorter than in different nations. This keeps educational cost charges and everyday costs down. Most full-time college classes take three years to finish. Full-time postgraduate courses can take one year or more.
Educational cost expenses for UK advanced education courses shift, contingent upon elements including: whether you are from the European Union/European Economic Area; where in the UK you are concentrating on (there are distinctive standards for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales); and whether you are learning at undergrad or postgraduate level.
For college understudies from the EU/EEA, these are the greatest educational cost expenses (however numerous foundations charge less):
In England and Wales, up to £9,000 every year


pashupati ma lash

Blogger | 7:38 PM | Be the first to comment!
md in uk
Before you start your studies, ponder the expenses and how you will fund your studies.
UK undergrad and postgraduate courses are by and large shorter than in different nations. This keeps educational cost charges and everyday costs down. Most full-time college classes take three years to finish. Full-time postgraduate courses can take one year or more.
Educational cost expenses for UK advanced education courses shift, contingent upon elements including: whether you are from the European Union/European Economic Area; where in the UK you are concentrating on (there are distinctive standards for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales); and whether you are learning at undergrad or postgraduate level.
For college understudies from the EU/EEA, these are the greatest educational cost expenses (however numerous foundations charge less):
In England and Wales, up to £9,000 every year


An elite meeting with choreographer and model Shankar BC.

Blogger | 7:36 PM | Be the first to comment!
An elite meeting with choreographer and model Shankar BC. Shankar BC is a honor winning tap artist and choreographer of Nepali Music and film enterprises. Shankar BC (conceived 1979) is a Nepali Dance chief, teacher, on-screen character and choreographer. Shankar BC is best known for His choreographic work in various Nepali music recordings. Shankar BC has choreographed move schedules for more than a sixteen hundred tunes in nepali music.


Top 5 of the World's Most Treacherous Roads! | Video Digest

Blogger | 7:34 PM | Be the first to comment!
md in uk
Before you start your studies, ponder the expenses and how you will fund your studies.
UK undergrad and postgraduate courses are by and large shorter than in different nations. This keeps educational cost charges and everyday costs down. Most full-time college classes take three years to finish. Full-time postgraduate courses can take one year or more.
Educational cost expenses for UK advanced education courses shift, contingent upon elements including: whether you are from the European Union/European Economic Area; where in the UK you are concentrating on (there are distinctive standards for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales); and whether you are learning at undergrad or postgraduate level.
For college understudies from the EU/EEA, these are the greatest educational cost expenses (however numerous foundations charge less):
In England and Wales, up to £9,000 every year

Hot Weather Girl Has Huge Crotch Wardrobe Malfunction - Susana Almeida

Blogger | 7:32 PM | Be the first to comment!
Susana Almeida was only a climate young lady in Mexico until this clasp of her exhibiting on live TV became a web sensation – and now she's a global genius. 

While brunette magnificence Susana was telling the country what sort of climate to expect, viewers had different things on their mind.Wearing a dark sleeveless top, the adolescent was searching keen and prepared for work.She was holding the remote control to the screen behind her in her grasp, which was around her abdomen for the initial segment of the show. Be that as it may, after moving her hands, Susana revealed a fairly humiliating circumstance with her pants. 

As it would happen, the dazzling TV star was wearing pants maybe a size too small.The material had assembled around her groin and seemed to give her what is referred to online as a 'camel toe'.Unaware of the circumstance, Susana carried on giving the climate a colossal grin all over. 

Much to her dismay the video of her exhibiting was set to become a web sensation around the globe when one spunky viewer transferred it to website Imgur. 


Chile Earthquake Earthquake of magnitude 7 7 hits southern Chile; tsunami warning issued

Blogger | 7:30 PM | Be the first to comment!
Extent 7.7 quake happened off the shoreline of southern Chile Sunday, 40 km (around 25 miles) southwest of Puerto Quellon, as per the U.S. Topographical Survey. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center had issued a torrent risk message for parts of the Pacific Ocean near the seismic tremor; by 10:30 a.m. ET the inside said the risk had passed.A "condition of insurance" that had been issued for the locale of Los Lagos has been lifted, by Chilean Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service.And Chile's Ministry of the Interior and Public Security crossed out the tidal wave clearing for the shoreline regions close to the shake zone. Soon after the shake hit, Chilean President Michelle Bachelet posted a tweet communicating backing to the general population of her country."Much quality and state of mind to the comrades influenced by the seismic tremor in Chile and different ranges of the south! Crisis conventions are now working," Bachelet tweeted.Chile sits on a circular segment of volcanoes and blame lines orbiting the Pacific Ocean known as the "Ring of Fire."The zone encounters visit seismic tremors and volcanic eruptions.Since 1973, Chile has had more than twelve shakes of size 7.0 or more. In February 2010, a 8.8 extent seismic tremor executed more than 700 individuals and influenced more than 2 million others, as per Chilean officials.That shudder struck off the Pacific drift around 60 miles northwest of Chillan, Chile, at a profundity of about 22 miles, the USGS said.The city of Concepcion, Chile, and the Maule and Bio locales were crushed, with structures in remains and streets left unpassable.


kangal bhetiyo

Blogger | 7:28 PM | Be the first to comment!

md in uk
Before you start your studies, ponder the expenses and how you will fund your studies.
UK undergrad and postgraduate courses are by and large shorter than in different nations. This keeps educational cost charges and everyday costs down. Most full-time college classes take three years to finish. Full-time postgraduate courses can take one year or more.
Educational cost expenses for UK advanced education courses shift, contingent upon elements including: whether you are from the European Union/European Economic Area; where in the UK you are concentrating on (there are distinctive standards for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales); and whether you are learning at undergrad or postgraduate level.
For college understudies from the EU/EEA, these are the greatest educational cost expenses (however numerous foundations charge less):
In England and Wales, up to £9,000 every year


Russian military plane crashes in Black Sea

Blogger | 7:24 PM | Be the first to comment!
A Russian military plane smashed Sunday operating at a profit Sea as it advanced toward Syria with 92 individuals installed, including more than 60 Red Army Choir individuals making a beeline for praise the New Year with troops.Local news organizations, refering to the safeguard service, said the Tu-154 plane had slammed soon after take-off at 5:40 am neighborhood time (0240 GMT) from the southern city of Adler where it had been refuelling.Defence service representative Igor Konashenkov told Russian news offices that one body had been recouped six kilometers off the shoreline of the resort city of Sochi, as a wild eyed scan operation kept on chasing for the missing."Fragments of the Tu-154 plane of the Russian resistance service were discovered 1.5 kilometers from the Black Sea bank of the city of Sochi at a profundity of 50 to 70 meters," the service said.The plane had been on a normal flight to Russia's Hmeimim airbase in western Syria, which has been utilized to dispatch air strikes in Moscow's military crusade supporting its partner President Bashar al-Assad in the nation's overwhelming common war


md in uk

Blogger | 7:22 PM | Be the first to comment!
md in uk
Before you start your studies, ponder the expenses and how you will fund your studies.
UK undergrad and postgraduate courses are by and large shorter than in different nations. This keeps educational cost charges and everyday costs down. Most full-time college classes take three years to finish. Full-time postgraduate courses can take one year or more.
Educational cost expenses for UK advanced education courses shift, contingent upon elements including: whether you are from the European Union/European Economic Area; where in the UK you are concentrating on (there are distinctive standards for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales); and whether you are learning at undergrad or postgraduate level.
For college understudies from the EU/EEA, these are the greatest educational cost expenses (however numerous foundations charge less):
In England and Wales, up to £9,000 every year
In Northern Ireland, up to £3,575 every year
In Scotland, educational cost is free.
In case you're from another nation outside the EU/EEA, educational cost expenses differ by course supplier.
For every single postgraduate understudy, educational cost charges change by course supplier.
You can get some answers concerning educational cost expenses for college classes here and educational cost charges for postgraduate courses here. If you don't mind additionally visit the UKCISA site for more data.
At the point when contrasting educational cost expenses, take a gander at what is incorporated – and what is excluded – in every charge. For instance, a few foundations may charge you additional for books, study materials, examinations, and so forth. You ought to have the capacity to figure out what the course charges spread on every course supplier's site, however in the event that not, don't delay to ask


China Delivers WZ 10 Attack Helicopters to Army

Blogger | 6:55 PM | Be the first to comment!
The People’s Liberation Army has equipped all of its ground force aviation units with advanced WZ-10 combat helicopters, according to PLA media.Several WZ-10s have been delivered to an aviation brigade of the PLA 13th Group Army under the Western Theater Command, the military’s TV news channel reported. This means that all of the Army’s aviation units now have this advanced attack helicopter, the report said.The deliveries also marked the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Army’s aviation force and opened a new chapter in the force’s development, it added. The Army’s aviation wing was formed in October 1986 with a regiment equipped with a combination of domestically manufactured helicopters with old technologies and a few imported advanced ones. For more than two decades, the backbone of the PLA’s attack helicopter teams was formed by the WZ-9, which was developed based on the French Eurocopter Dolphin. The Army did not have a dedicated combat helicopter until 2011, when the first WZ-10s were believed to have entered service with the PLA. Senior Colonel Xu Guolin, deputy chief of the PLA Army’s Aviation Equipment Bureau, told the news channel all of the group armies will have at least one aviation brigade or regiment. According to a military white paper released in 2013, the PLA Army had 18 group armies at the time, but it is unclear if some of these have been merged or disbanded during troop cuts introduced at the start of this year. The WZ-10 is developed and produced by Changhe Aircraft Industries Group, a subsidiary of Aviation Industry Corp of China, the country’s leading aircraft manufacturer. It made its public debut in November 2012 at the 9th China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition, also known as the Zhuhai Air Show. - See more at:

Hanuman Chalisa with Subtitles [Full Song] Gulshan Kumar, Hariharan - Shree Hanuman Chalisa

Blogger | 6:42 PM | Be the first to comment!
Bhajan: Hanuman Chalisa (Jai Hanuman Gyan Gun Sagar,
Jai Kapisa Tihun Lok Ujagar) Those who Chant Hanuman Chalisa Regularly with full devotion will definitely have very good Health & Wealth. Chanting the Hanuman Chalisa will relieve any kind of illness or adversity and bring Prosperity in one's life.

Music Label : T-Series
Album: Shree Hanuman Chalisa - Hanuman Ashtak
Singer: Hariharan
Author: Traditional (Tulsi Das)

Doha: Shree Guru Charan Saroj Raj, Nij Man Mukar Sudhari, Barnau Raghuvar Bimal Jasu, Jo Dayaku Phal Chari. Budhi heen Tanu Janike, Sumirow Pavan Kumar, Bal Buddhi Vidya Dehu Mohi, Harahu Kalesh Bikaar II

Choupai: Jai Hanuman Gyan Guna Sagar, Jai Kapis Tihun Lok Ujagar, Ramdoot Atulit Bal Dhamaa, Anjani Putra Pavansut Naamaa.....(Cont.)

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UK undergrad and postgraduate

Blogger | 6:06 PM | Be the first to comment!

md in uk
Before you start your studies, ponder the expenses and how you will fund your studies.
UK undergrad and postgraduate courses are by and large shorter than in different nations. This keeps educational cost charges and everyday costs down. Most full-time college classes take three years to finish. Full-time postgraduate courses can take one year or more.
Educational cost expenses for UK advanced education courses shift, contingent upon elements including: whether you are from the European Union/European Economic Area; where in the UK you are concentrating on (there are distinctive standards for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales); and whether you are learning at undergrad or postgraduate level.
For college understudies from the EU/EEA, these are the greatest educational cost expenses (however numerous foundations charge less):
In England and Wales, up to £9,000 every year
In Northern Ireland, up to £3,575 every year


Nepal has advanced fundamentally since the seasons of the Ranas,

Blogger | 6:00 PM | Be the first to comment!
Nepal has advanced fundamentally since the seasons of the Ranas, when the Hindu Varna structure was an indispensable part of the country's speaking to standard, and the Shahs, who, saw as the real images of Lord Vishnu, administered over what was then a Hindu Kingdom and passed on forward the legacy of mishandle, inappropriate behavior and forcing plan of action for religion and claim. Late political changes have guided Nepal to the method for secularism. With the removing of the Shah ruler, changing the constitution, and supplanting Nepal's true lifestyle as Hindu Kingdom, the political performing specialists have ensured the parcel of religion and state, got the advantages once provided for the overwhelming religious assembling, its foundations and people, and guaranteed that minority religions and get-togethers can proclaim their identity with no fear of reaction. Religion, Secularism, and Ethnicity in Contemporary Nepal examines the enthusiastic changes the country has encountered starting late and researches the dispute, confuse, and unconventionality including the issues of secularism, ethnic character and religious adaptability in the country. The road to secularism has not been basic. What started as a deliberate effort on some bit of activists, janjati pioneers and those having a place with minority religious get-togethers in 1990 for the departure of Hinduism as the preface of national identity and enthusiasm for sensible treatment to each and every religious assembling finally bore a couple of results—however a mixed one- – 17 years down the line. 


Can't Believe Animals That Saved People's Lives

Blogger | 5:58 PM | Be the first to comment!
md in uk
Before you start your studies, ponder the expenses and how you will fund your studies.
UK undergrad and postgraduate courses are by and large shorter than in different nations. This keeps educational cost charges and everyday costs down. Most full-time college classes take three years to finish. Full-time postgraduate courses can take one year or more.
Educational cost expenses for UK advanced education courses shift, contingent upon elements including: whether you are from the European Union/European Economic Area; where in the UK you are concentrating on (there are distinctive standards for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales); and whether you are learning at undergrad or postgraduate level.
For college understudies from the EU/EEA, these are the greatest educational cost expenses (however numerous foundations charge less):
In England and Wales, up to £9,000 every year
In Northern Ireland, up to £3,575 every year

Karishma Manandhar - Interview

Blogger | 5:56 PM | Be the first to comment!

md in uk
Before you start your studies, ponder the expenses and how you will fund your studies.
UK undergrad and postgraduate courses are by and large shorter than in different nations. This keeps educational cost charges and everyday costs down. Most full-time college classes take three years to finish. Full-time postgraduate courses can take one year or more.
Educational cost expenses for UK advanced education courses shift, contingent upon elements including: whether you are from the European Union/European Economic Area; where in the UK you are concentrating on (there are distinctive standards for England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales); and whether you are learning at undergrad or postgraduate level.
For college understudies from the EU/EEA, these are the greatest educational cost expenses (however numerous foundations charge less):
In England and Wales, up to £9,000 every year
In Northern Ireland, up to £3,575 every year

The CPN (Maoist Center) chose to pull back support to the legislature in a miserable

Blogger | 5:53 PM | Be the first to comment!
The CPN (Maoist Center) chose to pull back support to the legislature in a miserable offer to make its Chairman Prachanda "fortunate" without 'good fortune'. Prachanda's political spine is lost, and as Baburam Bhattarai is bringing an option adaptation of left philosophy, he had no choice however to make a last thundering offer for the position of royalty of Kathmandu. However, why an offer to make Prachanda fortunate without good fortune? This is presumably so as he runs his gathering like a family endeavor. Added to that, he has gotten affirmations of support from the Nepali Congress.

Absolutely, there is no expansive duty or point behind this move, and belief system is no place. This is governmental issues of comfort where lawmakers are attempting to be sufficiently fit to survive. The thing which will frequent Oli's successor most is held legacy in the wake of his inability to guarantee administration and remaking work. The last one and a half years were a squandered stage for Nepal where it lost each shot obviously revision after the fatal tremor, uncertain established emergency and faithful political directionlessness.

communism seems clownish rather than a belief system or order in the constitution which doesn't modest far from separating among people and denying level with rights to all nationals. As to bigger significance and importance, we should go much more profound; and we know where it is moving with unlimited instances of abuse by its bearers.

Along these lines, it's a case inevitable, however not without the capability of making a rebound. In late-organize private enterprise, the world will see its restoration, however absolutely not in the mold envisioned by Prachanda. A common/past Hindu country merits not to be a change arrive, it ought to just tread an impartial way on religion. There can't be two perspectives that the Maoists ought to in any case do legislative issues as opposed to shameful evangelism for maverick Christian missions. This is in reference to their center additional curricular exercises which are not serving any other person's cause with the exception of their own.


Teriya Magar gifted DHAKA Topi To Indian Artists

Blogger | 5:48 PM | Be the first to comment!
Teriya Fouja Magar a competitive dancer from Rudrapur, Rupandehi district, Nepal. Magar came into the public spotlight during her performances on the dance competition television series Dance India Dance Li’l Masters which she won on 21 June 2014.Magar attends school in Rudrapur.On 29 June 2014, Magar was honourned with the title “Lumbini peace ambassador” by the Kapilvastu Day Campaign.The award was presented by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Local Development, Prakash Man Singh. She also took part in a jhalak dikhla ja.
- See more at:

Ketaki Chester was a cousin of King Birendra

Blogger | 5:45 PM | Be the first to comment!
 Ketaki Chester was a cousin of King Birendra, and was accessible with her sister at the Naryanhiti Palace on 1 June 2001 when Crown Prince Dipendra ki!lled nine people from his family, including himself. Following ten years, Chester reveals some new information about what happened on that amusement changing night including how Dipendra kic!ked his father as he lay dying.I was staying by the passage of the pool live with my sister, Jayanti, when Dipendra walked around wearing fight uniform and weapons in both hands. Regularly the Crown Prince would look around and perceive those present, this time I remember his eyes: they were to a great degree drew in just as he was concentrating hard on something. I whispered to my sister, "Isn't he unreasonably old, making it difficult to parade those guns?" Even King Birendra thought his youngster had come to exhibit to him his weapons, yet Dipendra let off a burst from the gun in his right hand. The slugs hit his father, harming him. He said "Ke gareko?" before he hung to the ground. Dipendra couldn't hold down the reaction since he had another firearm in his left hand, so exchange shots hit the rooftop. Kumar Gorakh and Dr Rajiv Shahi were in a flash at the fallen master's side to endeavor to stem the blood spilling out. Each one of us furthermore rushed to Birendra. That was when Dipendra gave back the second time. Ruler Dhirendra moved toward him and let him know: "Pugyo Babu, you've done what's vital." Thinking that his uncle would endeavor to cripple him, Dipendra shot Dhirendra. I think it was the affirmation that he had as of late ki!lled his most adored uncle that drew out the blood fancy in Dipendra. He spun around and left the room, yet when he returned for the third time he started giving the whole stay shots even as he entered the passage. By then, I was on the floor, endeavoring to stop the blood spilling out of Dhirendra's wounds. His arms were on his midriff, he was debilitated however insightful. Regardless of the way that himself regrettably harmed, I recall that him inquisitive in the matter of whether I was hit. It was then that I saw I was streaming blood. Bits of tissue from my left arm had fallen on Dhirendra's shirt, and two shots had crushed my right shoulder. Be that as it may, there was no misery, the body in shock anesthetizes you. Everything continued going hardly five minutes, however the shooting seemed to go ahead until the end of time. My sister lay kicking the pail. Ruler Komal was hit in the midriff. Sitashma reviewed a slug murmuring her ear. It was a ponder more people were not ki!lled. Exactly when the ending started, Prince Paras was toward one side of the room, and immediately swarmed his cousins and relatives behind a lounge chair. At one point Dipendra had Paras in his sights, yet Paras said "Dai malai nahani baksyos … " Dipendra cut down his gun and let his cousin go. Shruti was absent, and leaked to de@ath in specialist's office in light of the way that regardless of falling heartbeat the experts did not reveal her to find where she was leaking from. After the shooting, Dipendra scrambled toward his room. His mother, Queen Aiswarya, and his kin, Nirajan, sought after him. Dipendra almost certainly observed them both from the most elevated purpose of the stairs to his room, however in the lack of definition stirred up Nirajan for an ADC and let off a burst, ki!lling his kin. Some individual who was close by heard Queen Aiswarya then yell: "You have ki!lled your father, you have ki!lled you're kin, ki!ll me too. Han, han!" He then ki!lled his mother and himself, and it was all over the place
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